Welcome to Villainous Cinema
where we watch B-Movies, Cult Classics, & VHS Trash so you don’t have to…
…& here is our crazy cast of villains!
Evan Landon
I watch good movies, but most of them are considered “bad”, or “B-movie” or whatevs... I enjoy them, so I created this platform to speak w/ like-minded freaks, friends, family, & stand-up comics to chat bout em! I have some degrees & some credentials, such as audio engineer, musician, cameraman, actor, comedian, personal chef, podcaster, amatuer surgeon, part-time psychiatrist, etc. But who really cares tho? That’s not why you’re here. You are here for this. This is my love. This is my passion. Thank you for stopping by & checking us out. Lotsa love, my friends! I hope this finds you well. Stay you & keep being awesome. Hmu @ twitter.com/evanlandon
Dinah Walker
What can you say about my mom that has not already been said? A fan favorite since her first episode years ago, she is a nutritionalist, singer, humanitarian, and all around incredible person. Sometimes she even breaks out into song for no reason at all. Everyone who ever comes into contact with her is immediately a better person, which is why I felt the need to get her opinion firsthand on these movies that are considered to be “terrible”. Her only hopes are to spread light, love, peace, and laughter in a world full of negativity. Even though she despises almost every single movie I make her watch, she tries her hardest to see the silver lining in everything. How could you not love that?!
Zachary Lamb
Zach has been one of my greatest friends for the longest time. We first got to know each other about 10 years ago when he was a personal trainer for my ma & pa, thus they took him on as an employee for our general nutrition stores. Believe it or not, he is actually a good lookin dude! He served for the army, draws on peeps for $, and is a great father to 2 amazing kids. When I first came back from G’ville to revamp Villainous Cinema into an award-winning podcast, he was right there to help feel it out from the very begining. There are even some lost episodes floating around somewhere… Plus, how could you not love that face?!
Timothy Kiley
Known in some circles as the “Magical Unicorn”, “Unicorn Master”, & even “Daddy”, Timmy joined Villainous Cinema early in 2020 when the big pandemic hit the world and quickly became a fan favorite. A kind soul, he has an inane ability to emapthize with even the worst filmmakers & directors. Mostly recognized for his time as a roller derby referee in south Florida, Timmy has thrown in his mystical knowledge and sage-like advice to the podcast.
Matty Violence
I am not entirely sure what Matty Violence’s last name is because he only wore luchador masks for 3 years. It wasn’t until the fourth season that he let loose his pale, green eyes and golden locks that we saw his face. Taken back, we all entered into an every-man-for-yourself Battle Royal that Dinah Walker won because she is no man and Matty ascended into the heavens, declaring “…the Fear of Death is far Greater than the Death itself. But the Fear of the Unknown is the Greatest Fear of all” & you can’t really get mad at that.
Joshua Flores
Announcer for professional wrestling? Check. Announcer for the Mets? Check. Lead singer for multiple bands of over 20 years? Check. Awesome bartender? Check. Amazing father? Check. Is there anything this guy cannot do?! Needless to say, Joshua is a great friend and is amazingly talented. I always look forward to any time he has to spare for our little podcast because he so busy! Everyone, please give this man a virtual high five for being such a bad ass.